We collaborate with Mongolian people to create, support, and sustain Mongolian fresh water wells, and feeding stations, while developing deep relationships with Mongolian people and communites.

Our Mission

After researching the extensive service partnerships that Mitch and Baljmaa Tillman have created with the Mongolian people, Peter began communicating with the Tilmans to find out more about how to become involved. Peter set out on his first Mongolian expedition in July 2017, and while in Mongolia, Peter visited a variety of the Tillman's outreach projects including an orphanage, a pregnancy center, and a feeding station. Based on his visit, he began to plan how to mobilize people and resources to join the various efforts that the Tillmans had begun. Since then, Peter has partnered with individuals, churches, and corporations (XS Brokers) to deepen existing relationships, built an extended family of collaborators to better understand how working with the Mongolian people can help various Gobi communities meet their goals.

WITH Our partners, Gobi Connections Has:

  • Built relationships with Mongolian people; including translators, guides, feeding station workers, children and families.

  • Secured funding for feeding station supplies in the City of Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia

  • Secured funding for feeding station supplies at a Gobi Desert Summer Camp serving children of the Gobi desert and the city orphanage.

  • Strengthened relationships with a variety of communities including the people of Delgerkhangai, with a collaborative goal to drill a freshwater well.